The oldest Masonic lodge in the state stands at 110 West J St. Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, 120 East J St., was one of the first Episcopal cathedrals in northern California. Scandinavian shipwrights who worked on the church created a ceiling that resembles an inverted ship's hull, a design adapted from Norwegian stave churches.
Other historic structures include the four sandstone buildings comprising the Benicia Historical Museum, 2060 Camel Rd. Built in the mid-1850s, they contain exhibits about Benicia history and the U.S. Army arsenal. The last of the beasts from the Army's camel corps were auctioned off at the arsenal in 1864, following a brief attempt at using them as draft animals in the deserts of the Southwest.
Visitor Centers
Benicia Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center 601 First St. Suite 100 Benicia, CA 94510. Phone:(707)745-2120
Self-guiding Tours
The chamber of commerce distributes a visitor's guide that includes information about self-guiding walking tours of historic Benicia.